Sentence Strips, Word Cards & Story Sequence Cards for Starfall Learn to Read Books 1-5
For use in pocket charts or games, or as part of our Kindergarten ELA Curriculum, these cards are indispensable in building literacy! Sentence Strips, Word Cards & Story Sequence Cards for Starfall Learn to Read Books 1-5 correspond to the Predecodable Books in Learn to Read Cut-Up/Take-Home Books.
Suggested Activities
- Introduce one of the books, then read its corresponding sentence strips, prompting children to predict words.
- Invite students to place sentence word cards in the appropriate place on the sentence strip.
- Offer a scrambled batch of words for children to arrange properly on the sentence strip.
- Encourage students to create new sentences using individual word cards.
- Play "Name the Missing Word" to complete the sentence.
- Use Learn to Read Cut-Up/Take Home Books as guides to arrange sentence strips.
ISBN: 978-1-59577-122-3
©2008 Starfall Education
Dimensions: 6" X 13" X 0.6"