My Starfall Dictionary
My Starfall Dictionary with Dotted High-Frequency Words is an essential tool for children to record new words as they learn to read and write them. It becomes a personal reference for each child. Students learn basic alphabetizing skills as they record words on appropriate letter pages. Graphic cues help differentiate letters in the beginning, middle and end of the alphabet.
Dictionary Features:
- Wide line spacing, each bottom line is bolded
- Upper- and lower-case letter and picture clues in the top corner of each page
- Early words are dotted for children to trace as they develop small motor skills
- First page feature "This is a picture of me!" allows children to personalize their dictionary
- Positioning dots help children find letters in beginning (A-I), middle (J-R) and end (S-Z)
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48 pages
ISBN: 978-1-59577-198-8
©2015 Starfall Education
Dimensions: 8.5" X 5.5" X 0.13"