Starfall's Selected Nursery Rhymes Big Book
Nursery rhymes are part of our cultural heritage and have delighted young listeners for generations. More rich and varied than ordinary speech, nursery rhymes help children develop an ear for language. Rhyme, alliteration, and rhythm enable children to hear the sounds and syllables within words. Nursery rhymes enrich imagination, broaden vocabulary, and spark a child's desire and capacity to read. To share Starfall's Selected Nursery Rhymes with your child is to celebrate the joy of language.
This spiral bound big book is designed for classroom use throughout the year. Huge and vibrant color illustrations.
Starfall's Selected Nursery Rhymes
- A Wise Old Owl
- A Tisket, A Tasket
- Baa, Baa, Black Sheep
- Cobbler, Cobbler, Mend My Shoe
- Diddle, Diddle Dumpling
- Eensy Weensy Spider
- Farmer in the Dell
- Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush
- Hey, Diddle, Diddle
- Hickory, Dickory Dock
- Hot-Cross Buns!
- Humpty Dumpty
- Hush, Little Baby
- It's Raining, It's Pouring
- Jack and Jill
- Jack Be Nimble
- Little Bo Peep
- Little Boy Blue
- Little Jack Horner
- Little Miss Muffet
- London Bridge
- Mary Had a Little Lamb
- Mistress Mary
- Old King Cole
- Old MacDonald
- Once I Saw a Little Bird
- One, Two, Three, Four, Five
- One, Two, Tie My Shoe
- Pat-A-Cake
- Pease Porridge Hot
- Peter Piper
- Rain, Rain Go Away
- Row, Row, Row Your Boat
- Sing a Song of Sixpence
- Star Light, Star Bright
- The Man in the Moon
- The North Wind
- There Was a Crooked Man
- There's a Neat Little Clock
- This Little Piggy Went to Market
- This Old Man
- Three Little Kittens
- To Market, To Market
- Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
- Two Little Blackbirds
- Wee Willie Winkie
- Wynken, Blynken, and Nod
Nursery Rhymes, 48 pages
ISBN: 978-1-59577-157-5
©2015 Starfall Education
Dimensions: 17" X 11" X 0.4"
atos | dra | a-z | lexile |
2.5-6.0 | 18-40 | K-V | 451-860 |